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Re: Welcoming novices?

Ahem at risk of promoting the 'competition' check out the Gordano club site ( as they're even more local to you.

Bikestyle in Clevedon ( would be a good place to check out some bikes and they've started doing pretty chilled Wednesday evening rides.

All the local clubs have wide ranges of abilities so I wouldn't worry as everybody is very welcoming.



Re: Re: Welcoming novices?

Be gone from here ;-) Interlopers from Gordano.

Re: Re: Re: Welcoming novices?


Thanks for your feedback. Ordered the Specialized Hardrock - despite my reservations about the looks (yes, I am a mild tart) it clearly receives more recommendations. Regarding clubs, the Gordano one gives me an interesting quandary. Thanks for all your feedback, people.


Re: Welcoming novices?

Just do what I do and ride with loads of different groups!

Bristol Club has more regular rides but Gordano is more convenient.

Mike P I saw you sneaking onto the Gordano site!



Re: Re: Welcoming novices?

Research :-)

I was looking for a route around that area. Because I norally don't do the whole BBBR.