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Re: Cwm Carn/Afan

I've got a specialized rockhopper and it handles cwn carn /afan fine (also done sierra nevada in spain on same bike!)

I've seen people do this on rigid bikes as well!

It takes me about 40 minutes to get to from brizzle.

Re: Cwm Carn/Afan


You'll be fine at Cwm Carn or at Afan. The great thing about the trails there is that they're rideable and fun pretty much regardless of your skill level and the bike you ride: the faster you go the trickier they get, so you find your own level. The climbs are a bit tougher than Ashton Court though!


Re: Cwm Carn/Afan

cheers people, good to hear, just have to get out there and try it now!!

Will post by injuries here...