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Re: Sunday 16th July

I'll meet you at the cottage, now that my bike is woking again

Re: Re: Sunday 16th July

Cool. Looks like we are going to be doing the route from Singletrackworld as it means we don't have to start in Minehead.

Re: Re: Re: Sunday 16th July

Where does the route from singletrackworld start / finish, Hwe, and how long is it?

Re: Re: Re: Re: Sunday 16th July

I will pick up a copy and take look today. Steve has mentioned it but I am not familiar with it. Not sure I am going to make it as I have in jured myself playing football. Visiting the doctor later today to see if they can help.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Sunday 16th July

Definitely can't ride. I have damaged the ligaments in my leg and I am arranging an appointment with the physio later today.

Have a good one the weather is supposed to be great. Or alternatively you could maybe wait till I get better before going? No I thought not!!


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Sunday 16th July

Bad luck Hwe. Hope youre on the mend and back on the bike soon as poss.