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Sunday 16th

Is the Exmoor ride still on for Sunday?

May be we could do a Mendips ride instead and do Exmoor later when more people are about?

Re: Sunday 16th

Exmoor gets my vote.

Re: Re: Sunday 16th

Exmoor for me too.

Sunday 16th - Exmoor ride details and meeting place

We are going to meet at the car park adjoining McDonalds in Minehead for a 10.30ish start on Sunday - all welcome. Follow the A39 towards Minehead and turn right at the first roundabout as you come into Minehead (rugby club on your left). After about half a mile you will see McDs on your left - car park is there. It will be a fairly tough route with plenty of climbing and some cracking singletrack. Probably about a five hour ride. For people leaving from Bristol, meet up first at the Cottage pub car park at 9am.

Re: Sunday 16th - Exmoor ride details and meeting place

hi i am on for the exmoor ride will meet at minehead mac dons, but could anyone help with some bike buying advice, Hwe said Giant xtc, but i feel i am going to have bike jargon overload when i go to Garlands tomorrow and i intend not to leave empty handed, so any advce welcome thanks Martin(the one at the back on the new forest ride!!) 07050227738

Re: Sunday 16th - Exmoor ride details and meeting place

It sounds great, Exmoor is my favourite ride with Quantocks so definitely up for it. So count me in.