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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Some ba***rd stole my bike last night

Thanks Paul,
That's really kind. I don't expect to see it again though, but I do wonder who has it and what they are doing with it. Probably not enjoying it as much as I did.......sob!!!


PS I haven't done it yet but is it worth phonong all of the shops in Bristol just in case, or do you think that they are conditioned to be suspicious of any oik selling a Litespeed for £100????

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Some ba***rd stole my bike last night

Yeah I think it is worth doing, because they do go into shops trying to buy things like naff pedals and it is obvious they are not in sync with the bike they are riding. I had a bike stolen years ago and the thief tried selling my pedals in a mates shop when I was there! I wont tell you what I did but he never reported it to the police.Will be back riding next weekend (22nd ish), hope to see you out.