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Re: Some pix from today: Severn Beach - Rock Garden - Skilled Riding

i`m in awe of all trials riders , i wish i had that sort of skill . could i have a cd of the pics mike

Hi-Res Trials Pix.

No probs.

Send me an email with your address or I could email them to you, what is the attachment size limit on your e-mail? and do you want them all ?

They do make it look very easy. The BMX bike had hydraulic rim brakes.

Re: Hi-Res Trials Pix.


I'm the guy on the BMX looking trials bike. It's a GT Team Hans Rey replica I bought a good few years ago. It's got a standard 20 inch wheel on the front and a trials specific 19 inch wheel on the back. The style of trials bike is called a Mod as opposed to the 26 inch Stock. It think this bike is from about 1995 or around that time and I bought it in about 1999 or 2000.

My friend pictured, James (the two James), and I go riding every Sunday in and around Chepstow doing our trials for about eight hours a go. We've been doing trials for about nine years or so together and push each other and offer advice. We love it and will carry on doing it for as long as our bodies can hack it! I'll be getting a Stock trials bike soon like James' so we will be riding similarly big stuff as there is a gap between Mod and Stock trials techniques.

Please check out;

... as these sites give us the drive and best bike parts around! Check out the Media Section on both sites, especially Tarty Bikes, for some jaw dropping skills.

James and James

Re: Re: Hi-Res Trials Pix.


this is the ethere james with the pro spec limey hello to every 1 here at bristol mtb club hope all is well :]
trials to me isnt just a form of biking its religion an when i ride i can look at sumthing witch most people couldnt even climb or walk over an i can find away to hit it on my bike an when people stop me an the ether james round an about an ask in there words [how the hell do u do that] or [how is it posible to do that on a bike] makes me fell g8t an it just shows that if u want to do sumthing put ur mind to it an u will get there if u want it bad anuf...
trials is all about timing balance skill an most of all bottel me an james hop to hand rails, tops of phone boxes, an off on cars, scrap ones like lol rooftops etc trials is any were an every were but an less u ride trials its just a set of steps or a most bikers the bike stands in town or out side ur work u know the things that stick out the ground like little hand rails is just simply for u to park ur fullsus or hardtail but to trials riders like me an james is not to park ur bike an lock her up its to ride over cool or what well thats all i got to say about that so if any 1 wants any videos or pics of me an james just mail james sullivan an im sure he will sort u out :] or check out tarty bikes web site peace out guys hope u injoy this post


chepstow trials team

james an james

Thanks and Tintern Area Ride

Thanks James & James for letting me take some pictures and taking the time to post on our forum.

Still can't work out how you do it. Incredible balance and vision of possible lines to take. There are enough rocks and stuff at Severn Beach for a proper event IMO.

If you want the pictures in Hi-Res let me know.

Did you go on and try the "The Pipes" area I was talking about?

When are you planning a Tintern/Barbadoes MTB ride? Perhaps we could arrange for the BMBC to meet up with you for an away ride. You may regonise this location..

Best regards,
