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Les Arcs

Just wanted to post a big thankyou to Damon for organising the trip to the Alps. It was great. Now wishing I was back there for more super fast/techy descending in alpine setting. Ah well, Afan will just have to do! Cheers Simon S.

Re: Les Arcs

Agreed Simon

The wookie surpassed himself, excellent holiday enjoyed everything minute of it with all the lads.

Cheers damon.

Re: Re: Les Arcs "Pallevous Butter"

Many Thanks guys. I too am having withdrawal symptons: woke up on Sunday morning in a panick looking for body armour and camelbak then realised it was Sunday and so back to bed i went.

Re: Re: Re: Les Arcs "Pallevous Butter"

Yeah was a great trip.

The face is healing up nicely now.


Re: Re: Re: Re: Les Arcs "Pallevous Butter"

...yeah, and I didn't have you down for the fighting type!! Cheers Simon S.