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GPS Routes

I'm currently planning a little project i've had in mind for a while. Don't want to say too much about it yet, but i could do with some help from anyone who has a GPS system on their bike.

What i need is sample export data from as many different types of GPS system as i can get. So if you have downloaded your route info to the pc, could you send me a sample... doesnt need to be anything special, i'm just interested in seeing the data format. If your software allows for export in multiple formats, like CSV or XML i would be greatful if you could send me as many as possible.

Email them to

Hopefully i will a prototype built fairly soon for you guys to give me some feedback.

Thanks in advance.


Re: GPS Routes

I'll sort a couple out for you from Tracklogs.

Re: GPS Routes

all i got tracklogs an I can't find any export option.

However, i've sent you a tracklog file.

Re: Re: GPS Routes

Not yet done this, but I will try and send a couple from Fugawi.

Re: GPS Routes

thanks for your help guys