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Sunday Ride?

Where you guys thinking of riding on sunday?

I might be out!



Re: Sunday Ride?

Local social ride for me on Sunday 10:30am at AC Golf Kiosk if you are interested.


Re: Sunday Ride?


I've just found out about your club.

I wondered what level of cylcing you do? As I would like to join you for one of your sunday run's.

However, I can only do 15 miles comfortably, and I am not a fast rider. I would not like to join and find i'm holding everyone back.

Re: Sunday Ride?

Hi Jo-Anne

For the rides up at Ashton Court/Leigh Woods they tend to be social rides and never over 15 miles to my knowledge. Regardless of the ride we always wait for people as there is always gonna be a slower rider (normally me honestly)

Best bet is to come out on a sunday ride to Ashton Court/Leigh Woods and gauge yourself against the people there. After a while you might want to come on some of the more technical rides like to Afan/Cwmcarn/FoD

Damon normally posts/emails out a social ride if one is going to happen on thurs/friday.