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Damon - Any jerseys left?

Was hoping to get my hands on a BMBC shirt (finally) in time for SSWC06 - do you have any mediumish ones left?

Re: Damon - Any jerseys left?

I've wanted one for ages.
Need to try on a large and x-large because of the fit (I'm a medium casual shirt).
Tell me the time, place, & cost and I will be there.

Re: Re: Damon - Any jerseys left?

How about we do a fit up session? I have loads of jerseys available but sizing is really odd (coming from Spain) so generally you nedd a couple of sizes up. ie: med - XL, L XXL seems weird i know but trust me im a silver back.

Re: Re: Re: Damon - Any jerseys left?

I know, which is why I was saying that I am a medium casual shirt, large cycle shirt, but even after losing significant weight recently, just bought 2 large cycle shirts that are way too small.
Do I come round to Garland Cycles?
If so, when?