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Sunday 27th Aug or Monday 28th Aug.

Looking for a ride sunday 27th Aug or Monday 28th., either local or south wales. Guess i meet you at 10:30 Golf kiosk, Ashton court?
ps Rich finally found the website!

Re: Sunday 27th Aug or Monday 28th Aug.

I'm in from the States and would like to do a ride in Bristol area as I may be locating here for a few years. Brought my kit but need to rent or borrow a bike - I'll fit most medium bikes and am happy on anything - full suspension, hardtail, SS, cyclocross. If you can suggest a place to rent or have one to borrow that would be great.
Also - if you have a link to a map for the ride start that would be great, too.
Office line is 01633 414047.
Cell is: 011 (831) 426-9113 but isn't working too reliably. Best way to get me is email.



Have a local cell phone now

Tim - If you're still riding you can give me a ring at 07921 699904


Re: Have a local cell phone now

Nice speaking to you today. Good luck with hiring a bike tomorrow and the future, if not see you in october.
