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Steve and I are planning a ride on the Quantocks. Not sure of the exact route but probably taking in 3 coombes and Great wood.

Will be out for around 4-5 hours I guess and happy to stop for breaks along the way to catch your breath and take in the view from the top of each climb.

Meeting at the Layby before Holford around 10.30am.


Re: Sunday

Is this an open invite.. I am based in Bath/Bristol, know and have riden the Quantocks a few times but as of yet have not got my act together to ride with members of the BMC! Cheers Tav

Re: Quantocks on Sunday

All welcome, as Hwe said. About four hours ride time including stops, faffing time, seatpost tightening and general adjusting of stuff (yes you Steve!) etc.

Bring a waterproof!

Re: Sunday

If the forecast rain isn't too heavy I'll tag along if that's ok. See you in the layby between 10 and 10.30.


Re: Re: Sunday

Anyone going from the Cottage who can offer a lift?

Re: Re: Re: Sunday

I can.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Sunday

Thanks - what time could I see you there?


Hope you had a good ride, if it went ahead. I got as far as the Weston junction on the M5 before the thunder, lightning and biblical rains convinced me to spend the morning doing something else instead. Course, now I'm back home the suns come out...

Re: Rain!

No rain while we were riding and warm sunshine for about the last third of the ride. Still wet under foot though with a lot of surface water.

Yes we did get muddy wet arses.

Good Fun all the same.

