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Tuesday evening rides

What kind of standard are the evening rides? I am a newcomer to night rides on an MTB. How far do you ride? What are the average speeds?

Re: Tuesday evening rides

I might give it a bash this coming winter a time or two.
Ridden once with my new night light about two years ago, and never ridden again with it. Then was up for a 12hour night endurence and thought that this was going to be interesting!!!!!!
Was cancelled by organisers.
Could there be a BEGINNERS NIGHT RIDE or two at the start of the Winter for all us newbie night riders?????
Hey... there goes that little thought thinking again... I could get used to this!!!!!!!!

Re: Tuesday evening rides

Well I'm new to the area, too. Am planning to meet another transplant this Tuesday (3 October) at 7 at the North Road entrance and hoping someone who knows the trails shows up to show us around (we both have good lights). If not we'll improvise

My mobile is 07921 699904 if you want to check in.


Re: Re: Tuesday evening rides

Not promesing anything, as it depends weather I can get some sleep before 1900, and weather I can get up again afterwards!!!!!!
I will try & b there.