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Evening rides

Hi I am interested in doing an evening ride and wondered if a normal set of lights from Halfords will do as they are all I have got at the moment

Re: Evening rides

They'd be OK for riding on wide paths, but for proper night riding you really need some more powerful ones with a rechargeable battery, I would recommend at least 10 watts. You can get a light set with this power for around £40, or you can have a crack at building your own - there are instructions on under "fettle and fix"

The BMBC DIY light - best in the world.

Heres the instructions for the "BMBC" DIY LIGHT...

This is a link

Looking at these we need some new pictures of these lights. My old stumpy with riser bars and bar ends is looking rather dated. If you got any piccies of your homemade lights made from here please send them in.