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Did someone mention FoD this Sunday?

Anyone got plans for a ride in the Forest of Dean? If so, please give me a shout, as I'm up for a ride and it's my first free Sunday in ages. PS will need a lift out there!

Re: Did someone mention FoD this Sunday?

Hi Liz,

I susgested it below. It sounds like only Chris Stroud is the only other person interested at the moment (I think weather forecast is scaring off alot of people).

Assuming that the rain isn't hammering down on Subnday morning I'll probably still go and can provide a lift - can you get to the Cottage OK ????. Drop me a text on 07747025105 as I won't have internet access from mid afternoon today.


Re: Did someone mention FoD this Sunday?

I will be there

as Long as it isnt pissing down with rain.

Re: Re: Did someone mention FoD this Sunday?

I am up for the fod tomor whatever the weather.. Not sure where the cottage is, having never been!, can anyone supply directions?? or where you are meeting in the fod?

Cheers Tav

Re: Re: Re: Did someone mention FoD this Sunday?

Click on the Maps links on the BMBC homepage for a map of where the Cottage is. 9am there, or 10am at the Pedal-away bike centre. It's on the B4234 near Coleford. Here is a map
See you there.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Did someone mention FoD this Sunday?

Thanks for the map link, I'll be there, at the pedal lab at ten then. Incase of probs meeting up, Mob is 07922256876.


Re: Did someone mention FoD this Sunday?

There is a link for where the cottage is but I cant find it on the forum

Down on Baltic wharf near the Nova Scotia is the only way I can put it.

Otherwise we are meeting at Peddleway bike centre.

Re: Re: Did someone mention FoD this Sunday?

Hi there, i've recently joined the site and had a few rides over in Ashton and 50 acre, i think im going to join you tomoro if thats ok..?

I know where the cottage is and i also have a spare seat and room for another bike if anyone wants to share a lift in my gold porche.......

Looking forward to meeting a few more of you....hopefully it wont be pissing eh?

I know its a late post but if anyone does want to lift share my number is 07845 265830....

Dug x