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I rode the trail there on Sat and it is a lot of fun and definitely worth a visit even if it does take about 2 and half hours to get there.

Not much in the way of facilities there though but the views and teh riding mor ethan make up for it. If you are looking for some step ups, jumps and the biggest berms then you can't go wrong.

Sorry no pics as we all forgot our cameras.

Re: Brechfa

Hi Hwe we did a ride near Llandovery before riding Brechfa, which meant a good days riding as its a pretty short trail but bloody good fun!

Re: Re: Brechfa

nope just rode the existing trail as no one brought a map. Our thoughts were to ride the Brechfa trail then a trail at Afan but the descents were such good fun we rode it again.

Some of the jumps and step ups are pretty close to the corners though.

Can't wait for the rest to be built.