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New Recruit, Hello all.

Hi all,

just joined the merry band so I thought I'd introduce myself:
James,37 living in Fishponds for the last six years, originally from Yeovil. Been riding up to Ashton Court/Leigh woods for a few years now,across the hills between Bristol & Bath,trips to the Quantocks,S.Wales.
Been a bit spoilt this year- rode in Fuertaventura,Chamonix and Scotland...a good year!

Willing to share/offer lifts to S.Wales/Quantocks etc and tag along with a few local ones.

Cheers James

Re: New Recruit, Hello all.

Welcome dude,

Well jealous with your list of ride destinations this year makes me want to quit work and fly away. Anyway just keep an eye out for e-mails and this forum for all things nice.
