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Another new boy!

Just wanted to say hello, especially in light of my being on the mailing list for a few weeks with no contact! Finally completed move to Bristol after much pain and looking to get to know some of the local trails and riders of course!

Just got back from a N.Wales trip, 1st time at Coed-y-brenin - absolutely awesome place! Also did Cwm Carn XC loop on the way up - like the new 'freeride' mods at the top :-)

Hoping to make the pub this eve, if I can find it! Anyone going from Bradley Stoke way?!

Hopefully get to meet a few of you soon...

Re: Another new boy!

Don't know if you'll read this before the pub tonight, but i could be up for going as haven't been myself yet and been a member for a couple of months.

Live in Coalpit Heath so could pick you up on the way.

If you're still up for it, reply and i'll post my number to sort it out.

Re: Re: Another new boy!

Sorry - ended up working late and didn't get a chance to check the forum before leaving :-(

Needless to say I failed to make it - but definitely next time...!

Re: Another new boy!

No probs.