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shiminao XT crankset Hollow one

I have the above on my sub 5, after a clean the bottom bracket seems to sqweek like mad? any ideas? copper greese on the bracket threads? drove me mad today ridding it

Re: shiminao XT crankset Hollow one

How long have you had the BB?

Re: Re: shiminao XT crankset Hollow one

about 25 miles :(

Re: Re: Re: shiminao XT crankset Hollow one

First of all, are you sure it's the BB making the noise? Is it more of a squeak or a creak? If it's a squeak it might be the suspension pivots rather than the BB. Try bouncing the suspension a bit without pedalling. If it's still noisy it might not be the BB.

I have a Hone crankset and it often becomes a bit noisy. You can cure it by taking the left hand crank arm off and giving the whole thing a good clean (particularly by gtetting any crud out of the slot that the pinch bolts tighten). Then put some grease on the axle and the pinch bolts and put it back together again. Also, did you get your BB shell faced when you installed it? If not it might be worth having this done by your friendly local bike shop.

Re: shiminao XT crankset Hollow one

I have had luck with teflon tape on the threads of the BB and even better luck with anti-seize (what we call it in the U.S. - maybe you call copper grease).

Good luck,
