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Local rides this weekend?

Hi I'm new to the area and am looking to get back into riding after some time out. Are there any rides happening reasonably local this weekend? Nothing too hardcore at the moment as my fitness isn't what it probably should be!


Re: Local rides this weekend?

If you check further down the forum Phil is heading out on Sunday round Ashton Court.

Re: Re: Local rides this weekend?

Am new to the area too, so forgive the question but where is Ashton Court?!

I'm heading over to Cwm Carn on Sunday for a mid-day start on the XC loop and some fun at the top with the new 'freeride' bit, if anyone happens to be there let me know!

Re: Re: Re: Local rides this weekend?

Find the Clifton suspension bridge. Ride across and up then straight up the road till you reach the traffic lights.
Go through the gates in front of you and follow the path till you reach a right hand turn. Climb the short hill and you are at the golf course cafe.



Re: Re: Re: Re: Local rides this weekend?

Excellent, thanks a lot