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Hi All. I'm looking to buy a full sus frame and have decided if i can find one a klein frame then i'd be one very happy man! Does any one know of any shops/people who deal with Klein (Bristol or a bit further). If by any chance someone is selling one, (long shot i know!) then i may be intrested also!

Thanks guys.


Re: Klein

Klein are no longer imported into the UK. You might be able to get one in the US if they still make the model you are looking for. Which one are you interested in?

You might be better off looking at some other manufacturers perhaps? What kind of riding do you do and how much are you looking to spend?



Re: Klein

Hi Hwe,
I had a feeling that they weren’t in the U.K. but the website was naff! I was looking for a Mantra (roughly 2001 model) or an adept pro. I’m mostly using my bike to get to work, but ride regularly at the weekend either to somewhere like bath or some laps at Ashton court. Money is tight this month but I would be willing to pay up to £200ish depending on the frame (hoping to find a slightly older one).
If you can recommend another similar frame I’m open to suggestions!


Re: Re: Klein

That is tight budget. Can I suggest a WTD ad on singletrackworld and check trade it. I am not sure what you are going to get for £200 quid though. I would probably suggest getting a hardtail as I very much doubt you will get anything decent for that kind of money. Don't forget if you pick up a full susser at this price if teh shock needs servicing then you are looking at £60+ quid to get that done and depending on the frame bearings and bushes might need replacing adding yet more expense.

Also a full susser is a pain to commute on. They are heavy and unresponsive compared to a hardtail. I would say ave your dollars for nice full susser and get a hardtail for the time being.



Re: Re: Re: Klein

Not a bad plan, The hardtail I’ve got is fine or the moment (Dawes Tamerak)with added upgrades I’ve made. It's a bit heavy but I suppose if I got a cheap full sus frame it would only be heavier!

Re: Re: Klein

Sorry forgot to add if you were looking for a frame then you might want to check out a Marin. They have well sealed bearings which are guaranteed for life and the frames have lots of mud clearance. If you can get hold of one with bushes and shock in good nick for the money you are looking for then I would suggest this as the best option. I would budget for another 10quid is possible though.


Re: Klein

Awesome, I'll have a look at that!

What a useful bloke yea are.

Re: Re: Klein

Do you work for the MM group at Moon St?

Re: Klein

Yeah i do! Are you an inmate aswell?

Re: Re: Klein

not anymore. I worked there when I was at Uni. It was contact 24 back then.

try here for some ideas.

Type in frame
brand marin
min 100
max 350

And you should find a few options. If you post on singletrackworld be prepared for some stick as they like to take the piss out of Marin owners.

Re: Re: Re: Klein

Glad to hear you escaped!
Thanks for the link, should be able to fill the rest of my day looking for frames now!

Re: Re: Re: Re: Klein

There aren't that many on there but I think it might give you a flavour of what's out there.

Good Luck

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Klein

i just bought a ram xc11 frame £485 brand new . check out bad ass bikes they`re the dealer

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Klein

There is a bikeshop on gloucester rd, up past the new small sainsburys on the left that was selling a complete Marin Rift Zone for £495 last week. It was running v's, deore xt/618 rims, new hollotechII LX chainset, and was immaculate, im fairly sure it was brand new. They are awesome frames and great for getting into full sussers, much better value than others and bearings are superb. Give it a go - otherwise keep a lookout in cash converters in beddy or on glos rd aswell. is also good for a bargain (be careful though as much is pinched kit) Good Luck

Re: Klein

If you're still looking for a frame, I've got a 98 Marin Rift Zone hanging in the garage. Fox Float R rear shock, spare shockworks coil shock with 2 springs (shock has never been used) .
100 notes if you're interested.
I've also got loads of other spare bits lying aroung in the garage

Re: Klein

YES!!! that would be awesome! I've just moved house this weekend and will need to do a bit of budgeting, but i should have enough for that!

Re: Klein

Phil V, do you have an email address so i can contact you about the frame? If you dont want to post it heres mine:-

Thanks again

Re: Re: Klein

Mike - I've sent you an e-mail