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Pics from FOD and XMAS ride

Hello All,
Great ride if a little muddy in bits. Blame Steve I am. Anyway here are some shonky pics for those who can't wait for Mike to put them up.

Pics Here

Sorry the ones from the drop offs are so bad.

Anyone fancy organising a XMAS ride followed by some food at a pub? I thought that perhaps we could ride locally or not to far away such as the Mendips then grab some food at a pub near Burrington?

Back in the day, alright I won't reminisce. The club would organise a ride then some food or just the food on occasion. If anyone fancies it let me know and I could investigate food type places near Burrington.



Re: Pics from FOD and XMAS ride


I enjoyed the ride alot too, even Dowies 2. Once it gets that muddy all you can do is laugh and try and keep the bike up-right.

Great pics as usual and love the commentary, although I would like to point out I actually have a very petite backside (I was wearing padded shorts!!!!!!).


Re: Re: Pics from FOD and XMAS ride

Hi Steve,
I have published an apology on the pic I hope that's ok?



Re: Re: Re: Pics from FOD and XMAS ride

Bloody hell. I was only joking.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Pics from FOD and XMAS ride

Don't worry so am I.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Pics from FOD and XMAS ride

Steve,, not that I am often behind you on a climb but your ass is fat.... I thought that was why you needed the Ti frame! What you really is red nipples on your spokes either side of your valve caps,, then you really go fast...

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Pics from FOD and XMAS ride

er "add the word need" i blame the cider and the 3pm work finish...

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Pics from FOD and XMAS ride

Careful now that sounds like fightin' talk you lezzer!! Just yo wait till Steve reads this tomorrow during his lunch break whilst ucking into a cream cake or two.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Pics from FOD and XMAS ride

OK I admit I do have a cake addiction.

Now its out in the open I feel so much better, all I need to do now is figure out how I can mount a "lazy boy" lounger onto a Thomson seat post.

Stephen "fat arse" Winfield.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Pics from FOD and XMAS ride

We could trail a hammock between a couple of bikes. One end attached to a seat post and the other on the handlebars. You can then of course read you favourite mag which I know in your case is MBR and eat cakes at the same time.

Perhaps we could also keep the mud off my attaching 20-30 cud catchers to the underside you won't even get muddy.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Pics from FOD and XMAS ride

Hark at you lot complaining about the mud, a proper bunch of lezzers !!

Hwe, the Burrington Cafe does food (surprise surprise)although i did get barred from there once a long time ago for pulling the curtains down but they wont recognise me if i'm muddy enough. They are used to muddy people, cavers etc, but i'm not sure if they have any chairs of sufficient girth to accomodate the winfield rear

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Pics from FOD and XMAS ride

Sounds good. Should we set a date? How about the 17th Dec? Muddy mendips ride then get changed and grab some food and drink at the Burrington Cafe?

Re: Pics from FOD and XMAS ride

Just thought I would mention that it looks like you have caught james and simon out dogging and have scared them off.

Re: Re: Pics from FOD and XMAS ride

Trust you Mr Down under to lower the tone!!!