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Current BMBC site status.

You may have all noticed the main site is down for maintenance (hosting package swap) new hosting package will give us a MySql database :-) I was hoping the site would be up by now, but the host claims it could take up to 72 hours :-( Plus. I've got to upload the whole site again :-(.

I will advise as soon as the site is online again.


Re: Current BMBC site status.


Any plans on what you might do with the database?
Proper forums, photo gallery and calendar maybe.. ? I assume if they are offering MySql then the hosting package also includes PHP, so all of that should be easy to implement


Forum and stuff.

That’s the plan :-)

Definitely a proper forum for sure :-).

Wanna be a Mod? Any thoughts on what froum sub divisions, I'm only thinking along the lines of Ride Planning and Classifieds. Dont' want to make to complicated for people.

I like the ideal of calendar and may implement. Not to worried about a gallery the one we have works quite well by people sending pix in.


Re: Forum and stuff.

he can only be a mod if hes got a scooter