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living in a flat - how to clean the bike?

I've recently located here from the States and wondered how those of you living in flats clean off your bikes. The place I live has bike storage down in the car park but no where one can take a muddy bike (riding around here my bike is ALWAYS muddy) so I'm wondering what you all do to get the mud off after a ride. I've searched the common area of my building for a tap where I could hook up a garden hose and haven't found one. No mountain bikers in my building so nobody else to ask.

Thanks for the advice,


Re: living in a flat - how to clean the bike?

Long hosepipe or find a mate with a hose. If its any help I am in Cotham and you are more than welcome to come round and use my hose.

I'm in most days as I work from home and ride on Sundays and sometimes during the week.

Re: Re: living in a flat - how to clean the bike?

I have the same problem, living in a 2nd floor flat. I tend to spend most of my time biking in Wales and all their MTB Wales centres have bike wash facilities.

Failing that you can use a local petrol station with a jet wash or the old fashioned bucket and sponge approach!



Re: Re: Re: living in a flat - how to clean the bike?

If you drive a car, try getting a Dirtworker (£80 from
It is a gentle power washer plugged in to your cigerette lighter of your car especially for cycles and such, and with a large soft car cleaning brush from BigW (£4 - 5)will do the trick.
Just make sure to get your chain properly cleaned with hot soapy water at a later date or when convenient.

Re: living in a flat - how to clean the bike?

Have heard stories of people cleaning them in their baths. Have to strip down a lot of it though to fit it in and try to avoid the bigger clumps going down the plughole and blocking it up! Also dishwashers have been used in the past for disc rotors and other things! (Apparently rear mech doesn’t do good in the dishwasher, wrecks the spring.)

Re: Re: living in a flat - how to clean the bike?

Guess I'll have to start looking for a house or garden flat

Thanks for all the advice and even the offer from Hwe to stop by his place. I like riding locally at Leigh Woods since it's close to home and I don't need the car - I guess I'll come up with something


Re: living in a flat - how to clean the bike?

Clean it in the fountains on the centre and then ride up Park Street. a good clean for the bike and some more exercise going up the hill.

Re: Re: living in a flat - how to clean the bike?

Shut it you numpty

Re: Re: living in a flat - how to clean the bike?

"Clean it in the fountains on the centre and then ride up Park Street. a good clean for the bike and some more exercise going up the hill."

Andy, you're a great loss to this country, those Aussies must be delighted at having you put that brain to use down-under

Re: living in a flat - how to clean the bike?

Steve and the rest of you, send me your email addy's so I can keep in contact boys. Have started saving for a bike now so I can get out riding.

Merry Christmas guys and Happy New Year, hope you have a good one.

Re: Re: living in a flat - how to clean the bike?

Wos your email address

Re: living in a flat - how to clean the bike?

aglogan at blueyonder dot co dot uk