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Mountain Biking at Bristol Mountain, NY USA

I am part of an un-official bike club that mountain bikes around the Bristol Hills in Upstate NY, USA. We also Telemark Ski at a local ski area called Bristol Mountain. It's been a mild winter so far so we've been doing more riding than skiing.
I ran across your club web-site and would love to order a few of your club jerseys. Could someone contact me with ordering information including pricing?

Thank you!

Re: Mountain Biking at Bristol Mountain, NY USA

Hi Ken,
YOu need to speak to Damon about the jerseys I think. How far up state are you and is the riding good? I have an uncle in RYE and I am planning to visit him later this year but I don't know where to go riding.

Re: Re: Mountain Biking at Bristol Mountain, NY USA

Ok on speaking to Damon about the jersey, thank you.

We are south of Rochester, NY. ( 1 hour East of Buffalo, NY ). Yes, there is lots of great biking in our area. We try to do differnt routes each week and over the years have created many of our own trails. A good combination of single track and logging roads. There are also some smaller parks with lots of good single track.
I am not familiar with you happen to know where that is in relation to Rochester or Buffalo?


Re: Re: Re: Mountain Biking at Bristol Mountain, NY USA

Hi Ken,
Rye is about 40 minutes outside Central NY towards Connecticut. Rochester looks like a 5 hour drive from Rye.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Mountain Biking at Bristol Mountain, NY USA

Bummer it's so far from our area as I certainly would have showed you some local riding. I contacted the Rye recreation department mentioning a possible visit to Rye. They sent my message to a local Rye mountain biker. His response is pasted below and it sounds like you'll have no problem finding great riding in that area:

You had e-mailed Sally Rogol (Rye Recreation) about Mountain Biking in the Rye area. She forwarded your e-mail to me, as I am an active member in the Westchester Mountain Biking Association. You will be happy to know we have 3 County owned Parks (all located around 30 minutes from Rye) with terrific legal Mt. Biking. They are Sprain Ridge Park (Yonkers), Graham Hills (Pleasantville), and Blue Mt. (Peekskill). Not sure where you are from but these Parks consist of classic East Coast singletrack.... AND MILES OF IT!!!!

Sprain is my favorite because its the most technical of the three parks (lots of rocks, drops, jumps, skinnies etc.). Graham is more of an afterwork/training type of place - great flowy singletrack but with a good pace you could hit every trail in just around 2 hours. Blue Mt is our crown jewel - its the farthest away from Rye but WELL WORTH the 40-45 minutes it will take you to get there!!! Blue is FULL of endless miles of singletrack (would be tough to do every trail in one day) that will challenge you in every way.

Check out our website - join the forum and post up when your coming and I'm sure there will be someone around to hook you up with tours of all the goods. I post as fattireb.

ride on!

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Mountain Biking at Bristol Mountain, NY USA

Ken, Thanks for that I will get in touch with them. If I make it up your way I'll drop you an email.

Thanks again. Did you manage to contact Damon regarding the jerseys?

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Mountain Biking at Bristol Mountain, NY USA

yes, certainly look me up if you head further upstate during your visit to NY USA.
I have not contacted Damon yet...hope to sit down at my home PC this weekend and drop him a note.

Best Regards,