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CDDKMUSIK.COM's Message Zone
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Saturday 29th November, all the music you could want..LIVE!

Saturday November the 29th

Excelsum Superbum, Old Basford, Bumsnogger, Godsize, The 1st Attrition and a new Band called The Un-Invited. it will be the last ever EVER excelsum superbum gig

Excelsum Superbum
The monstrous Sheffield grooving rock beast

Old Basford
Putting the boogie into heavy blues

Deep Dark Slabs of Brum Metal

The 1st Attrition
Sheffield stop-start grind dirt metal

Nottingham siamese carnival comedy sludge

The Un-invited
the monker,from Donny

Saturday 29th November

Doors 4.30pm/£5

The Grapes
Trippet Lane
(behind West Street)