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Our interactive Message Forum Service allows you not only to advertise any band or gig news but to discuss issues and events that you have in common. We should all try and help each other in this game, so if you have any useful info, advice or tips that you feel may help others add it. Help and advice should always be free so don't be afraid to share what you know with others. We want you all to make it, so, if we work together maybe some will.

CDDKMUSIK.COM's Message Zone
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Roger's Red Moped!!

hey everyone, i really need some help from anyone in the west sussex area!! im organising a gig to raise money for a trip to Africa in the summer to help local people over there. it costs £2,500 per person and we are trying really hard to raise all the money ourselves and not have to rely on our parents to pay. the gig is on the 25th february (2 weeks today!!) at Chequer Mead Arts Centre in East Grinstead. starts at 7.30pm, tickets are £5 students, £6.50 adults. box office number is 01342 302000. featuring local bands Fat Fernando, Catch, Confusion, Twisted Pink Funk Muffins, Supernova and Turns 2 Ashes. if there is any one reaidng this that lives in the area could you please pass on details to any one you think may be interested!! our website (which includes details of more gigs coming up) is


