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Our interactive Message Forum Service allows you not only to advertise any band or gig news but to discuss issues and events that you have in common. We should all try and help each other in this game, so if you have any useful info, advice or tips that you feel may help others add it. Help and advice should always be free so don't be afraid to share what you know with others. We want you all to make it, so, if we work together maybe some will.

CDDKMUSIK.COM's Message Zone
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looking for a band

Hey there,

Im 17 years old,vocalist, female, living in rural mid wales, looking to start a serious band, have got quite a few contacts in the music business, looking for dedicated people who can play their instruments well. influences range from slayer to serious folk and country, im looking to do some quite heavy stuff, but so i can sing some melodys over the top. possibly mix in a bit of funk as well. have plenty of perfoming experience. rage against the machine? incubus? let me know!

ciao x