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Our interactive Message Forum Service allows you not only to advertise any band or gig news but to discuss issues and events that you have in common. We should all try and help each other in this game, so if you have any useful info, advice or tips that you feel may help others add it. Help and advice should always be free so don't be afraid to share what you know with others. We want you all to make it, so, if we work together maybe some will.

CDDKMUSIK.COM's Message Zone
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N/W Indiana band PLANKTON seeks drummer

Gigging band in n/w Indiana with lots of gear, its own recording
facility, and interest from a well known publicity agency needs
to replace their drummer who, unfortunately, has suffered a very
serious back injury. Help us continue the great positive streak
we have had in the past 2 years! We've done lots of work!
We have an album worth of songs to release, but what's the point
even getting them made if we can't play out and sell them?! Let
our hard work do something for you! You know who you are.
You're tired of being in bands that can't stay together and tired
of people not wanting to put much effort into moving forward.
Let's go! Move forward by coming from!

Style something like "post punk art rock" but definitely it is an
indie/alt kind of thing. We play very few cover tunes and do not
plan on making them a priority, but rather prefer to focus on
writing our own music. We make no effort to sound like anyone just
to be "accepted" commercially.

Gender unimportant. We would prefer someone who is
21+ but as long as you are mature, that is unimportant,

No drunks/pill addicts, republicans, or bible bangers.

We are located in Culver, Indiana, 2 hours south east of
Chicago and 3 hours north of Indianapolis.



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