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Re: seperation

Have you and your husband went to a Christian marriage counselor? Are there some other reasons behind why you & your husband have such an unfavorable relationship? Is there a third party involved? May the good LORD(JESUS CHRIST) provide the solution for this. He alone can turn the situation in the direction pleasing to HIM (Jesus).

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I have been praying about takeing my children and leaving my husband. He does not allow us to go outside without getting upset. Day in day out me and my children can't go out I can't even take them out to play. we have been married for many years but it has always been this way and I'm fed up The years I have been married to this man he does not support me to further myself in life. I still don't have my driver's license and he acts like he wants to help me but never does He's bought cars and said they were for me but he claimed them and drived them I feel my life is being robbed I have no freedom

Re: seperation

Paul says if ye be married seek not to be not, and if not seek not a spouse. Do you know Jesus as your Lord? Have your completely and unashamedly surrendered all to him?

These Q's are to bring joy not sorrow. God's ways always feel strange, but they are right. Just as one must rely on others of this world in areas they are not experts in (I'm a terrible mechanic for example) so we must go to the Creator and not the Creation regarding his creation, Us. Truly, Truly if one can only believe, all things are possible. Yes, even peace, in such a horrid place your are at. That is what you truly desire. You are in a good fight. You will have established in your heart the knowledge that the Lord will never forsake or leave you. This will cause you to treasure your salvation more than anything this earth can throw at you. Believe me when I say I more than understand what you're going through. The enemy of your soul is not truly after your marriage, he desires to have your name blotted out the the Lamb's Book of Life. Pray for your husband. It is not a suggestion, it is a command. No it will not be easy, or come natural at first. However, as you do you will find a freedom you never thought you could experience. God has not forgotten you! He loves you so much that even as I share this I hear him pouring love out toward you. The true oppressor is the Devil and that is who we must go against. No, it will not be easy in your own strength, but if you will come to Jesus with your burdens, he will take care of the rest. "Come learn of me" Jesus says to you "for my yoke is easy and my burdens are light" May the Spirit of the True and Living God give your the joy needed. Isaiah 61

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Replying to:

I have been praying about takeing my children and leaving my husband. He does not allow us to go outside without getting upset. Day in day out me and my children can't go out I can't even take them out to play. we have been married for many years but it has always been this way and I'm fed up The years I have been married to this man he does not support me to further myself in life. I still don't have my driver's license and he acts like he wants to help me but never does He's bought cars and said they were for me but he claimed them and drived them I feel my life is being robbed I have no freedom