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Episodes Meeded For Cub Scout Project

Hello RMT Fans,

I often listened to RMT as a boy growing up in the 70s. My cousins and I used to camp just about every summer weekend and those shows scared us out of our minds. But every campout, we would turn on the transistor radio and tune in again.

Given how much enjoyment I got out of listening, I'd like to share the fun with my Cub Scouts. (I'm a den leader and radio instructor.) There is a Radio activity badge which requires them to build a radio from a kit. I thought of a way to make this activity even more thrilling. But to make it all happen, I'l need your help.

I'd like to offer the radio class as a camp activity. Then I'd set up a small AM radio transmitter for broadcasting around the camp. (Perhaps an older student could even build this little AM transmitter kit too.) Any kid who completes a working radio could listen to an episode of RMT each night over his new radio.

This would serve as an extra incentive for them to be in bed on time--so they could listen to the broadcast. Plus, listening to RMT in a tent is REALLY scary and thrilling, making for a more memorable experience.

I will tell you that I have no episodes at all, and don't even know where to start. Particularly I'm interested in those that kids around age 11 or 12 could follow.

Please help.


James Alderman
Dallas, TX

Re: Episodes Meeded For Cub Scout Project

Hi James,

I have all 1399 shows on CD I will gladly send you a cd or two if you like. Each CD holds about 50 shows or so.

Sounds like a great idea for your scouts.

Just give me an address I will drop a few CD's in the mail for you.
