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New Mystery Theater Book

I want to thank you very sincerely for your website. I am a Mystery Theater fan too from way back, and your page had some great info, along with links to other sources of information. I have just completed a book about the Mystery Theater, more specifically about its enormous educational value: The CBS Radio Mystery Theater As An Educational Degree

It's really hard to believe that as popular as this series is, so little has ever been written about it. The book has some background information about the series and the many actors who performed in it, but mostly is about how the Mystery Theater cannot only entertain, but educate, especially at the college level. If you are a Mystery Theater fan, you may be smarter (along with having good taste) than you have ever given yourself credit for. There are writers and stories behind the Creaking Door that only a Mystery Theater fan, or someone with a Master's Degree in English Literature would be familiar with.

I undertook this project during a case of Writer's Block, and it evolved eventually into a book-length manuscript. It details how the series can be used at the Community College level for college equivalency credits, and how such a program could actually be implemented within the University System. The rest of the book is a sample of the knowledge contained in the series in question form, and not just academics, but things one can actually use in real life.

If someone points an automatic pistol at you, and you want to disable the weapon, listening to "Laundry Money" from the 1980 season can reveal how. Want to know how to neutralize acid with a common household substance? The episode: "The Great Brain" will reveal the secret. There are all kinds of useful information like this sprinkled throughout the series as well, along with the academics.

This series is TOO GOOD to just fade from the scene. There is just too much value in it. And that was one reason I attempted this project, along with wanting to give something back in promoting the series that has given me so much over the last 25 years. I have printed up a small number of copies that I want to sell over the Internet, both to fans of the series, and hopefully to educators. If it sells, I may be able to interest a publisher in the project. But either way, I wanted a high quality product to come out of this, or at least the very best I am able to produce. The books have been hardbound and are currently being imprinted at this writing in gold lettering, with a gold MT Cat logo on the front and should be ready to go in two weeks.

They will be available from me at $50 per copy,(high, but unfortunately close to cost at this writing)in approximately two weeks and you can reserve one by contacting me at VERY LIMITED NUMBER OF COPIES AVAILABLE. If you're looking for the perfect Christmas gift for the MT fan on your list, this is it!

Thanks again,
Mike Stahl