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CBS Radio Mystery Theater Forum
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what's this episode please

What is the name of the episode with the dibuk (dibbuk? dybbuk?), and which season is it from, please? This was about a man who returns to his hometown as a sorcerer to reclaim the woman he loves after having been dismissed by her father as a pauper. Thanks!

Re: what's this episode please

That's a tough one. It could be episode 0783 - 2/16/1978 "Something in the Air" Starring Gordon Heath, Ralph Bell, Ann Williams, Corrine Orr, Elspeth Eric.

A father desperately tries to stop his daughter from marrying a much older, poorer man. For all his efforts, even with some cooperation from the couple, it proves impossible to sever a mysterious psychic link between the two lovers. A man tries to stop his young daughter from marrying a middle-aged, poor, starving artist. Despite his efforts, the father is unable to defeat the strong psychic link between the two.

Re: what's this episode please

Webmaster, thank you for answering but the episode you described is not it. I did a little internet detective work and found out that the one I'm looking for is called "The Demon Spirit". The one you're talking about sounds good, though!

Re: what's this episode please

As a treat for you and the other fans of Mystery Theater I have posted the episode on the main page of the website. Listen and enjoy!

Re: what's this episode please

Hey Webmaster, thanks for putting the Demon Spirit up, it's such a great episode!! Thanks again!