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What's the name of this episode?


I am just starting to get into CBSRMT and am loving it. Could someone please help me to identify an episode that I heard many years ago and vaguely remember. It's where a young couple is driving (if I remember this correctly) and they either stop off at a town or are moving to a town. While in the town, a mayor tries to keep them in the town for some perverse reason (I'm thinking that people are turned into food or something weird like that...).

Does anyone have any ideas for me?

Re: What's the name of this episode?


did you get a response...sounds like a great episode...let me know..I have the collection but haven't come across that one yet...


Re: What's the name of this episode?

Hi Margaret,

It sounds like you're describing an episode called "The Summer People". If you're able to access a database of episode downloads, (or if you already have them) it's episode #367, aired 12/24/75. Excellent story.

Let me know if you need any help getting it.


Re: What's the name of this episode?

Holy crap!!!! It took that long to answer Donna's questions!!! Geeeesh, I would've forgotten what I asked by then. Or I wouldn't care anymore.
Sorry I couldn't help you....I have ALL of them and wish I was here to help you sooner. come back.