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CBS Radio Mystery Theater Forum
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This site is so cool! I remember listening to these stories when I was a kid growing up. WBBM780 in Chicago played them (wish they still did) Gonna try to listen to all of them. Thanks for having this site!

Re: flashback...

We listend to the shows on WCCO radio (830 AM) in the Twin Cities. Our parents were amused that we, the kids, would rather listen to this radio show than watch TV.

Our father used to take us for drives at night and we would listen to the show as he drove through the parks of Minneapolis. We were riveted to the radio for an entire hour.

The shows were even more fun to listen to when there was a thunder storm or a snow storm going on while we drove.

CBS Radio should think about airing these shows again.

Re: flashback...

Ssshh: I have a number of CBSRMT episodes from Limewire.
But that aside I first remember listening to CBSRMT from WBEN 920 in Buffalo when I was first married in 1975 .They were actually more exciting than my 22 year old wife at the time.But we are still married and I still love CBSRMT.One show that still brings tears to my eyes is the XMAS show of 1975 or 1976 starring Howard DE Silva in a Scrooge type story where the little girl in the story was named Jennifer.My first daughter just a baby at the time was named Jennifer.TV and CSI everywhere be gone I love radio.