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Re: Re: Good weekend for bass at Inanda

I have a photo of the 3.5 kg fish that came out on the second day. Will send as soon as it is ready.

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Hi Monty!

Those are some real hogs! Any chance of a photo or two to post on this site?

We are all going to be watching the upcoming tounament at Inanda very closely. Click on the link above and scroll right down on that page to find a list of "Top Trophy Bass Waters in SA". Inanda Dam is second on the list! I have placed Goedertrouw at No. 1 and Albert Falls at No. 3. Any comments from anyone?

I am surprised one hears so little about Goedertrouw, which should have some real monsters - perhaps some Bassers in KZN will let us know what's happening there?

Thanks for using the Big Bass Forum, Monty! If you or your brother will be competing at Inanda in May, let us know how it goes ... May you both get your personal best Bass before winter!

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My brother took part in a fish-off at Inanda Dam on the weekend and some nice fish were caught. The two biggest bass caught were 3.7kg and 4.8kg. The Inanda Bass Classic (24, 25 May) should be very interesting this year.