Im looking for topics that people might want discussed at the AGM....maybe we can banter them around here for awhile before we get to the meeting, plus it gives the exec a chance to see what on peoples minds and gives us a chance to discuss them at the executive meeting before the AGM.
Can be anything related to LSBC...bassfishing in the tri counties or provincial..there will be a time at the AGM to discuss things aswell if you dont want to post them here...but if there is something you have been thinking or wondering about...SHOUT IT OUT maybe we can clear it up for you.
BTW.....the topic of why Ken or Scott cant catch bass as good as Steven and I has been talked about at length and we all know what the answer no need to bring that up again.
Hmmmmmmm,let me see here.
How about we ban anybody with the name of Watkins Oh wait,we can't do that,then we'd have no one to laugh at when they come in with under 3lbs on OPP
Maybe we can discuss increasing tournament hours until 4PM??
Couple thing we talked about as an exec.
1.ACM going back to the 2 weigh in system....for the those of you that havn't seen this done we would fish from 7 -11am break for lunch(maybe a BBQ) weight the fish from 11-12.when lunch was done we go back to fishing from 12-4pm and have a 2nd for both weigh ins wins
2.for something different this year we were thinking of an evening tourny maybe from 1pm until 8pm
And BTW way Ken Id love to go back to the old always seemed that last hour from 3 to 4 was one of the best fishing times of the day.
Anyway let me know what you guys think and keep the Ideas coming.