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Lakeside Smallmouth Bass Club Forum
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Raynards Lake Cancelled

Due to the water levels at Raynards Lake the Tourny on June 5th has been cancelled

I got in touch with the rest of the Executive today after visiting the launch at Raynards and after hearing that the water will be done another foot and a half by Saturday and we have agreed that as much as we want to fish Safety has to take precedence.

It’s just not worth the chance that someone wrecks a motor or even worse get seriously injured. The water levels are way down and come Saturday can only be worse.

I would ask if you know someone that was planning to attend the tourny would you please give them a call or send an E-mail and let them know about the cancellation. Ill post on both web sites and get in touch with CJLS and get it out on the radio over the next couple of days as well as letting Ken know so he can spread the word at the shop….if we all tell a couple people we should be able to get the message out. This being the first tourny we don’t have a complete member’s list as a lot of people wait until the first touny to get their memberships.

We’ll discuss the possibility of making up the tourny at Wentworth on June 19th before the start of the tourny…if there are any other questions feel free to post or give me or an executive member a call.
