All I can say is WOW!!!!!!!Nothing like pi$$ing members off and spitting in the eye of the sponsor.Totally agree Angie,that person should go get it.
Sure makes a person wonder
Well, He says he will dip it back out when he is there for the iron man , says he wasn't thinking about offending the sponsor or another member, and apologized for littering the lake .....
Your rules can take care of this in the future like rule 16 and 17. These people can and will ruin a club by loosing sponsors. I was not there to see it but pretty sure there are laws about this sort of thing. Anyway it was great to see old faces and I enjoyed the weekend. You are lucky to have such a great lake system to fish in. Thanks again!
it is clear the person does not care sorry is not going to do it.he should have dipped it out of the lake on SUNDAY.its clear he did not want the trophy so he should donate his purse to the Y M C yarm.
I am not a member of the club but I am one of the founding members. So; on that point I feel that I have as much right to comment as any paid member.
This is the type of thing that can destroy a club's reputation. We worked for years to have the respect of the public and Govenment and something like this can change everything overnight.
You are correct Sid; the trophy should have come out A.S.A.P. There should also be a truthful public apology on this site by the person or persons responsible for the trophy ending up in the lake.
After that there should be no more discussion about it. That can only hurt the club all the more.