Hi I have a male cat (7 years old). 2 weeks ago we took him to the vet as he had a urinary blockage.At that time I spent $7oo as it was a after hours night call at 1am.
Three days ago he had another blockage.I decided at that time that I would have his bladder flushed again. Another $600.
Cam (our cat) has been on science diet previous to this condition but after this instance he has been moved to Royal Canin urinary ph SO 30. I was told that he will likely block again as he has a small urethra that continues to spasm. I have spent another $600.
The vet has informed me that the last resort if he becomes blocked again is to have a perineal urethrostomy.Do you know how much this would cost? Is their anything else I can do as I fear that I may be facing this soon?
He is a beautiful animal and I need help. I should also mention that their have been no changes in the home. Cam lives with 3 other cats..so I couldnt say that the cause is stress? Please help...