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Confessions of a Cat Breeder

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breeding license

I would like to learn how to breed cats. How much everything cost vets, food,supplies and stuff that will be needed in order to make this work because I am very excited and am looking forward to having cats in my home.

Re: breeding license

It is really hard to say how much it will cost. Cats can be expensive--they need high quality food,litter,shots and regular vet check ups and if one gets sick,more vet bills. Plus,the initial set up cost is high for vbuying top quality breaeding cats. I have paid as much as $1200 for one femnmals Scottish Fold and had to promise pick of the litter two times to the owner.

Be sure you have adeqyate funds for any type of emergency health care that might arise before you start. It would be a good idea to start with one male and maybe 2 females to mnake sure you really enjoy breeding as it is a lot of work. You will defin itely get a lot of pleasure out of it and make lots of lovely new friends,too. (Ashley Lisa)

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Replying to:

I would like to learn how to breed cats. How much everything cost vets, food,supplies and stuff that will be needed in order to make this work because I am very excited and am looking forward to having cats in my home.

Re: breeding license

Well today was my first time stopping by and a saw this post and thought I could help. First of all the breeding license, I guess you mean a cattery registration. You can get one of those for around 50 bucks at CFA just check their site. I was wondering what kind of cats you want to breed. I also want to let you know that you will probably have a hard time getting started. The cat world is pretty close knit and I will tell you why. We see so many poor kittens and cats abused and too many kitten mills that are trying to make money at the expense of the cats. I have two rescues right now in my house who came from a cattery mill that where close to death from being over bred and not taken care of medically because the woman did not want ot spend the money for the vet.

As for expense if you want to start out right and breed for the right reasons which are to breed to the CFA standard to show your cats and provide healthy cats you will lose thousands of dollars every year. Please believe it I didnt at first and I am in the hole over 5 thousand dollars just for this year. Vet bills and such. And I also feed my cats the best food. Iams and Eukanuba. and just to get started to buy quality cats that are worthy of breedingf plan on spending at least a thousand dollars more for a top quality male.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg. If you would like to talk please e-mail me and if you read up the CFA site has a great site on begging to breed and you still want to breed give me an e-mail and I can get you in contact with some good breeders.

Denise Russell

pompouspets persian Cattery registered with CFA


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Replying to:

I would like to learn how to breed cats. How much everything cost vets, food,supplies and stuff that will be needed in order to make this work because I am very excited and am looking forward to having cats in my home.