2017 Masters
Deep South Running Pen
Picayune, MS
236 Entries
Top 10 GTP
1. Lakehill’s Singing Redman M (Ed’s Singing Sam M x Duck’s Ruby 3) Mill Creek Kennels, New Augusta, M
2. Bond’s Lil Jack (JW’s D Walt x Pawnee’s Pepper) Triple “B”Kennels, Wallace, NC
3. McMillan’s Brownlee (McMillan’s Diamond x C&W Lady 2) Ronnie McMillan, Crystal Springs, MS
4. Hine’s Lady Bug R (JW’s Big Boy x Hine’s Happy R) Hine’s Foxhound Kennels, Madison, MS
5. Kyle’s Jack (Kyle’s Petey x SQ’s LL Skeeter) Strictly Mafia Kennels, Kiln, MS
6. Mary Ray (jet Pilot Ray x Round Mtn. Venus) Efird Kennels, Umpire, AR
7. Bond’s Wreaking Havoc (Chase’s Archie x Slade’s Bubbles) Triple “B” Kennels, Wallace, NC
8. Sharkey’s Rock On (White Lightning Ray x Hill’s JJ) Sharkey Blues, Kenwood, LA
9. Josh’s Oakley (Josh’s Ten Top x S&L’s Shug) Strictly Mafia Kennels, Kiln, MS
10. Hoehner’s Earl Ray (Jet Pilot Ray x Round Mtn. Venus) Hoehner Boy’s Kennels, Dongola, IL
Best Mouth – Kyle’s Jack (Kyle’s Petey x SQ’s LL Skeeter) Strictly Mafia Kennels, Kiln, MS
Classiest Hound – McMillan’s Pharoah (McMillan’s Little D x AA Duchess of Dark) Ronnie McMillan, Crystal Springs, MS
Combination - None
Best In Show - McMillan’s Pharoah (McMillan’s Little D x AA Duchess of Dark) Ronnie McMillan, Crystal Springs, MS
Best Opposite Sex – Killam Hill’s Sadie (Killam Hill’s Bingo x Morris’ Popcorn) Killam Hill’s Kennels, Wing AL