The Calhoun County was held May 31st thru June 3rd 2017
Franchise agreement sent in Check's in the mail for leaderboard fee.
Ad was in April issue of Hunters Horn on page21
BIS #136 Ch. Tri Co Sabrina (Brazio Ezio - Taylor's Golden Lucky)3L Knls Bruce MS.
BOS #9 Pinedale Top B. (Ch. McMillan's Little D.- Mtn. Top Ally) Pinedale Knls Thaxton MS.
Derby HGA 139 Hounds Entered
1st #83 B&J's Angel (SE LA (D)Ch. B&J's Majic Mike-Miss Annie S) Short Bus Knls Loranger LA
2nd #10 Hall's Bonnie (Ch.Floyd's T-BO-Hall's Sweetie) Skuna River Knls Bruce Ms.
3rd #34 Blaine's Jack Dees (PKW Freddie-PKW Susie) South MS Boyz Poplarville, MS.
4th #421 Seymour's Buster (Saucier's Johnny Cash-Seymour's Sister) Mike Seymour Larve, MS.
5th #38 Tuff's Frank Smith (Kyle's Ike KW-HW Rose Smith) South MS Boyz Poplarville, MS.
6th #400 Joe's MS Gin (Rickey's Brushy Boy-Joe's MS Dot)Joe Mack Smith Poplarville MS.
7th #55 J.W.'s Spot (Lake Hill Gus-J.W.'s Pee Wee) Joe Woodard Holly Bluff MS.
8th #67 Haynes' Maxie (Haynes'Colt Liquor-Ch. Haynes' Toddy) Buckhole Knls Coffeville MS.
9th #9 Pinedale Top B. (Ch. McMillan's Little D.-Mtn Top Ally) Pinedale Knls Thaxton MS.
10th #36 Tuff's Tinkerbell Smith (J.W.'s Busy Boy-Blaine's Crazy) South MS Boyz Poplarville MS
Combination Winner #9 Pinedale Top B. (Ch. McMillian's Little D.- Mtn Top Ally) Pinedale Knls Thaxton MS.
Classy Hound #34 Blaine's Jack Dees (PKW Freddie-PKW Susie) South MS Boyz Poplarville MS