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La open 3 day results

Hunt held at joes branch Enon,la
Dates Nov 9-12
Hounds entered 59

1) fancy Mccallum (ingrams punch x Newcombe ginger) Mccallum kennels
2)Wolf river Mariana ( wolf river Willie x wolf river polyana ) wolf river kennels
3) Rodgers lay low Kyles Brutus x Rodgers Lucy) quick draw kennels
4) Ingrams magic ( ingrams punch x Newcomb ginger) Mike Ingram
5)P&D'S snap chat ( p&d adam x Owens miss kallie ) p&d kennels also classiest hound
6)Kaylee Mccallum (ch Pretty boy Mccallum x Bella McCallum ) Mccallum kennels
7) Ch Josh's princess ( Jackies rock x jackies honey) miss Mafia
Also combination winner
8) Ryan's Roxie ( ch Josh's tin top x Josh's Browne ) miss Mafia also best mouth
9)D and S Mandy ( d&s redman x d&s pretty girl 2 ) d&s kennels
10)Katie Mccallum p&ds skid row x d&s little sister ) d&s kennels

Re: La open 3 day results

10th place hound Katie McCallum owner/entered by McCallum Kennel.
Not D&S Kennel.

Re: La open 3 day results

Want to thank Rex, Ken, Billy, Albert, Robert-Dean on the computer and the guys for an outstanding job judging for 3 days. Thanks :+1:

Re: La open 3 day results

7th place and 8th place kennels should be Strictly Mafia.