Just want to say thanks to any and all that had anything to do with this hunt. The hunt was a huge success, raising nearly $7000 for the Shriners Children's Hospital. In that respect, everyone was a winner. We had a good turnout with 212 hounds. Foxhunters always step up to the plate when it comes to helping others. And now the results:
1st-#40-Archer's Cricket, Stalkers Kennels
2nd-#114-Barney's Bay Chilli, Barney Bay Kennels
3rd-#144-Cherrie Hill Joe, Frank Gardner
4th-#132-Scuby-Blue Water Kennels
5th-#803-Bobby's Real Faith, Bobby Parker
6th-#176-Smith's Smarty, SWS Kennels
7th-#4-Archer's Solo, Stalker's Kennels
8th-#446-Zig's Flint, Tony & Daphne Ziegler
9th-#119-Pepper, Matt DeLoach
10th-#916-Bobby's Wirenut, Bobby Parker
Speed and Drive
1st-#35-Monkey, Can't Get It Right Kennels
2nd-#511 Rawhide, Whistling Dixie Kennels
3rd-#31-Platinum, South Bryan Kennels
4th-#55-Mickey, Annie Gene Kennels
5th-#-57- Hopper's Jessie, Hopper's Kennels
6th-#5-Mincey's Skeeter, Wes Mincey
7th-#130-Cash, Blue Water Kenneis
8th-#70-Mincey's Zippy, Wes Mincey
9th-#180-Pappy, Larry Moore
10th-#415-Archer's Molly, Stalker's Kennels
1st-#35-Monkey, Can't Get It Right Kennels
2nd-#511-Rawhide, Whistling Dixie Kennels
3rd-#31-Platinum, South Bryan Kennels
4th-#55-Mickey, Annie Gene Kennels
5th-#57-Hopper's Jessie, Hopper's Kennels
6th-#5-Mincey's Skeeter, Wes Mincey
7th-#130-Cash, Blue Water Kennels
8th-#70-Mincey's Zippy, Wes Mincey
9th-#180-Pappy, Larry Moore
10th-#415-Archer's Molly, Stalker's Kennels
1ST-#35-Monkey( Bond's Hurricane X Showcase ) Can't Get It Right Kennels
2nd-#511-Rawhide, Whistling Dixie Kennels, Clyo Ga.
3rd-#31-Platinum, South Bryan Kennels
4th-#55-Mickey( Bond's Big Sky Jake X Female Adaptor )Annie Gene Kennels
5th-#57-Hopper's Jessie( BCM"s Slick X Hopper's Holly ) Hoppers Kennels
6th-#40-Archer's Cricket( Hopper's Stride X Archer's Jenny )Stalker's Kennels
7th-#5-Mincey's Skeeter, Wes Mincey
8th-#114-Barney's Bay Chilli, Barney's Bay Kennels
9th-#144-Cherrie Hill Joe-( Wilson Billy II X Macon's Tiny B )Frank Gardner
10th-#130-Cash, Blue Water Kennels
Best Mouth-#144-Cherrie Hill Joe, Frank Gardner
Classy Hound-#9-Milton's Tommy Sue( High Ridge Gunslinger X Bobby's Miss Cotton ) Gum Branch Kennels
Combination Winner-#803-Bobby's Real Faith( Ch. RD"s Jesse James X Henpeck's Nasty ) Bobby Parker