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Untrue statements are killing US!!!!

The news has turned this around so bad that people that have no idea what we do are against us. Read the article and then the comments at the bottom!

In the comments you will see that everyone is watching these websites not just the ones fighting us.

If you contact news media BE CAREFUL what you say and use your head prove us to be intelligent and not look like idiots!!


Re: Untrue statements are killing US!!!!

Just to add! I think we are being to quiet and I don't mean that everyone needs to do this because lets face it some people just don't know how to put things in an intelligent way!

These people are flooding the media with BAD things about us well it is time for us to flood them with the Truth about us and what we do...

DOGHUNTING Period is not a sport, activity, recreation or whatever else these people want to call it. It is a way of life it is friends and family bonding and foxhunting is not to see whose dog can kill anything.

Use our heads and flood them with the truth it is obvious here in Florida for sure FWC doesn't care about revenue they care about the media!!! Give them what they want THE TRUTH!!!!!!!!!!

STOP the lies from the Tanks and the MAINES families!!

"No Animals were harmed in the making of this post"

Re: Untrue statements are killing US!!!!

this has to be the most ignorant thing i have ever read, you would think a reporter would find out facts before they write something

Re: Untrue statements are killing US!!!!

Facts must not sell papers

Re: Untrue statements are killing US!!!!

radar could you give me a call i'm thinking about posting back to them 352-595-7615