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Boycott Petco

Mack and Myself was at Petco in Hot Springs this past weekend, when this lady was continueing to run down dog hunters. I had all I could take,let her have it, Mack took it from there, they had words. She was out of Mena, with peta/ Hsus. They were in front of the store raising money, and selling strays, calling them hunting dogs, look like yard dogs. There was a little pup I was interested in, til she was running us down, there not getting any my money now. I'm asking u to do the same.

Re: Boycott Petco

johnny couldnt agree with you more they were set up at a petco where we were doing there parking lot and was asking for donations and when i said i had hounds they made a smart remark i took my donation from her hand and called her a few names that i will not put on here that just shows what companys like petsco and your wal_ marts stand for and its not us for shure.

Re: Boycott Petco

Johnny I never set foot in a Petco and dont intend to