
Official Website of the Foxhunters Hall of Fame

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Great Sport!

When I was a young child a man named Johnnie Morgan took me under his wing. With that involved going to the fox pen. As I got older I THOUGHT that I would enjoy coon hunting more and got away from fox dogs. I did still maintain a nice pack of deer dogs. Since I have gotten older and have 2 small children I couldn't coon hunt anymore. I decided to get back into fox dogs and it is still just as I remember. Since I started running again I have gotten a warm welcome and have made many new friends. The atmosphere is something I can take my kids to enjoy and they love it. I appreciate that this is a religious sport and that helps with the great sportsmanship. I hope to enjoy many years of fox dogs and pass it on for generations. I want to thank everyone who has helped me build a great pack of dogs and look forward to seeing everyone at the hunts. Keep up the good work.....John Waugh No Good Kennels