don gohmert will be the master of hounds. he is from pineville, la. and my weekly hunting partner. he has judges lots of hunts in our area. in fact, he judge at texas state and la. state this year.
Leroy will Brandon Rush be there it been along time since I spent his money I heard his buddy ol Trent is big into fishing now don't even own a hound any truth to this !!!!
brandon will not be there because we have put him to puppy hunting. he is building a house and his wife is keeping a tight rope on him while this is going on. trent still has some hounds at his place. has some deer dogs and three young dogs off shaq. at this time. his dee gyp should have puppies shortly off mighty man. i do not know anything about fishing except brandon try to claim he was a outstanding bass fisherman over the past 2 yrs. he would enter these fishing tourment but his partner caught all the fish. other fishman enjoy taking his money like you did with the hunting.
they tell me graham has a real good hound off of lakehill chilli who has been placeing in some hunts over the past few months. he is a 3 days dog or long hrs hound. he could show up in a 8 hrs. run and he will be there. graham is not with 7 signs any longer, he got away from brandon. he got tired of hanging with a loser. the last two 8 hrs was won by 747 a few months ago and last year by mr. flip mcgee with a good track running hound. 747 had a real good hound who run strong in the last hunt.
there is around 50 numbers out as of today. there are some other hunters who will be getting numbers as we get to the date of the hunt. i think 747 patterson bros., laron ladner, haskill spires, and hoover will be in the running for the top five. graham meadow has a real good hound that will be up there. there is other hunters that could win it. i never had a two time winner at my hunts. it will be a real good hunt with plenty game in pen.
Is Stalsby cooking? Hagan run him off 'cause he couldn't keep his beanie weenies hot. Hagan had a good pot of chili. Leroy, you should hire Debbie to cook for you. She improved Harlan's feed. No one left there hungry.
yes, you can run with blanket if you choose to do so. it will be hot on your dog, but that is your choice. graham and trent still hunt together. trent has been working 3 week shift offshore for the past 3 months. it has been 1 week in and 3 out. slalby is suppose to come judge the hunt and will not be the cook this time. i have another cook for this one and he suppose to have a good meal. you are right about debbie , she can really prepare a good meal. it hard to believe that good women put up with harlan.
Graham's dog might not be able to handle the south Louisiana power I heard he tried to come down to Darlington one time before and left with his tail between his legs.
in fact graham place at darlington hunt, i think number 4. he will be in the running. so you need to check your information out because someone did not know about every hunt put on there.
we have around 60 numbers out as of today. it is makeing up to be a good hunt. hope each of you can join us for 8 hrs 0f good running. it will take a tough hound to win it.
donald, i will chack with shane on number you requested. i will let you know. there could be a repeat because 747 is good where ever they go hunting, but i have never had a repeat in 12 yrs. . we have a number of new hunters out of the state of miss. getting numbers. have a good many outside hunter from northwest, miss. in the hunt. it going to be a good one if we can get good weather because it getting real hot weather early each day. we looking forward to it. hope people like charlie bailey, billy gallaway, and john beckwith will come run or just to visit with us. like to have each of you. these guys are what real hunting was about in the early days. i remember as a young man hunting with billy and those white hounds. he always kept good hounds that carry theirself real classy at all time. charlie always completed everywhere he went hunting. him and big hat was a pair.
Hey Leroy I cant turn down an invitation like this my friend so therefore I need a number.I couldnt connect with Shane so get me one please.Thanks for the kind words .See you on the 14 th
Mr Leroy could you get me and Big Jim two numbers I couldn't connect with him either. We coming to try to get our record back that was broken. Lol. Should be a good time with y'all there. Thanks.
ryan, i do not know where you are located, but there has been some real good hounds come from south and southeast, la.. i tell you that charlie bailey, roy magee, william bros, jeff almand to name a few have always been in the running with good hounds. these guys have handle some of the best for many years.