We will have a 1 day series throughout the summer. The first being June 1st. The first 3 hunts June, July, and August will all be 4 hour hunts. The September hunt is going to be the Plantation Classic and it will run 8 hours. It will also be Masters Aff. We will take 30% no less than 20 hounds from each of those 4 hunts to the finals in October. We will hold $5 per dog from the first 4 hunts and add this money to the final hunt in October. The final hunt will be 5 hours. I will also try to get added money before the October finals. We will keep points on the top 20 hounds of all 5 hunts including the Central La in November to award a hound of the year for the Plantation Fox Pen. We will be working daily to get added money for the finals and the hound of the year. $300 guaranteed to the Plantation HOY this could increase with the volume of participation. We will keep you updated on added money for the finals and HOY throughout the series. The first 3 hunts if needed we will pair judges on the pipeline. Please come and enjoy the pen. It's loaded with game and ready! All hunts will be an open class $50 entry fee. For any questions or numbers call Paul West 318 447 9039. Thanks!
Not that I personally care but according to HillBilly's papers, he has one cross of Popeye Hellums II in him, with one other cross of Ch. White Cat Hellums in him. He Has two crosses of Lakehill's Rusty in him one on the top and one on the bottom. A cross of Hale's White Man, two crosses of Clem Whiskey on coming through Canoy's Ringo and the other through Bolt Action Clem.
So, who ever you are that said he has several crosses of Hellums in him, you are WRONG! I knew this before looking it up, due to the fact, do you really think Paul West would have a dog that would be eat up with Hellums breeding?????? REally???
He is a Lakehill's Rusty bred hound with some Clem Whiskey, cross of Hale's and Yes Popeye Hellums on the dam's top side.
Some people think they know ever thing and know NOTHING< Fox hunting as a whole has gone to pot due to so many know it alls, and sorriest bunch hounds in the history of fox hunting. 50 years ago, fox hunters would not feed 20% of the sorry hounds that you feed to day. And that's a FACT JACK!!!!
Look at ur post note taker.50yrs ago there would not be a u didn't have the same situation.These days most people can't run on the out side & who gives a crap that some old timer wouldn't feed these dogs people feed these days.If you field trial you have to have the hounds that run in scoring position.It's really none of your concern what people feed as long as the man feeding it likes it.
To ? I'm more likely to answer a post that has a real name! If you miss a hunt NO it does not DQ you for the finals! As long as you place in the top 20 of one of the qualifying hunts you can run in the finals. Hope this answers your question. Also Paul's number is listed above for those that have questions! You are more likely to get answered in a timely manner if you call!
Clearing up some questions... If there are 100 dogs then the top 30 will be qualified for the finals... If there is a hunt will only 30 dogs entered then the top 20 will qualify. If there is a repeat qualifier we will take the next hound inline. We are having these hunts per request of you hunters that wanted some one day hunts. The September 8hr hunt is NOT set in stone! It's strictly up to the hunters. We have had several request to make it 4 hours and that is fine with us! We just need some feedback on what y'all want to do! For the hunt next week as of now we have right at 100 numbers out! A computer will be used for scores! We will require the name of the hound and the breeding at time of entry so we can keep up with the points. Conley Manning will be the master of hounds.
The finals is in October.... It is set in stone and will be 5 hours. The 8 hour hunt we are talkin about is the one in September. Sorry for the confusion
morgan, I would like to see a 8 hr. hunt at jena. think you would draw a good number of hounds. also morgan -how many weeks till the baby get here. it should not be many weeks. wish you the best.